The term is more difficult to spell than it is to understand. In short Efflorescence is a white chalky substance (Salt deposit) on foundation walls left behind from moisture in exterior soil.
- Efflorescence accumulation is caused by a foundation crack. The void of a foundation crack allows water to seep through and bring soil minerals along for the ride.
- Accumulation can also occur when there is no foundation crack. Concrete and other masonry structures are porous and these pores can be penetrated by wet soil during big rains. If moisture has been absorbed by the wall it can sit for extended periods of time. Eventually the soil outside dries up and allows the moisture in the wall to evaporate. As the wall moisture evaporates it leaves behind salt and mineral deposits that were pulled into the pores. Those salt deposits will slowly build and become noticeable.
No, from a health aspect it’s not dangerous. Efflorescence is merely a sign of water accumulation outside the wall. The only thing to keep in mind is that over long periods of time the areas showing efflorescence can lead to foundation cracks. If you see efflorescence simply call a reputable waterproofing company (We offer free estimates 😉 to asses the situation. Early intervention through the advice of waterproofers can help prevent future issues from occurring.
Here at Accu-dry we pride ourselves on providing education before offering our services. Waterproofing is not common knowledge to everyone so if you have questions our team is happy to help get you up to speed.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]